Satış / Key Account

Nuri Yildiz
- Key Account Manager
- 0421 596655 3
- 0172 698 76 02
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Peter Bassen
- yönetici ortağı
- 0421 596655 1
- 0172 420 21 84
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- Key Account
- 0421 596655 72

Jens Landgraf
- Disposition uzun mesafeli trafik
- 0421 596655 0
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Petra Wedemann
- Disposition
- 0421 596655 22
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Bärbel Romeike
- Muhasebe
- 0421 596655 6
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Gabriele Trojan
- Muhasebe
- 0421 596655 5
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Taşıtlar filosu yönetici
- Taşıtlar filosu yönetici
- 0421 596655 70
- 0172 69876 05
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yönetici ortağı

Peter Bassen
- yönetici ortağı
- 0421 596655 1
- 0172 420 21 84
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şube Süd, Memmingen
Waldemar Baron
- Şube Müdürü
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Dimitri Rudi
- Şube Müdürü
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